Foundation, a grand sci-fi series adapted from Isaac Asimov's 1940s short stories, unfolds in the year 12,067 E.I (Era Imperial). The story centers around Dr. Hari Seldon, a brilliant mathematician, and his followers, who strive to safeguard human knowledge and avert the collapse of the Galactic Empire, which he has foreseen.
The series, brought to the screen by Josh Friedman and David S. Goyer, is a visually stunning portrayal of a complex narrative set in a galaxy where humans inhabit various planets under the dominion of the Galactic Empire. This adaptation is available on AppleTV+.
Territory Studio collaborated closely with the playback and art departments for the show. They were tasked with designing and providing in-camera screen graphics and projections for various sets in the first season. This included work for the spacecraft named Deliverance.
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